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Thursday, March 30, 2006

stripe checking

Read another selection from the grandmaster's book to the class. We had the thought of the week, did the laps. One thing, is I saw some kids doing pushups in a way that might hurt them. So I mentioned what they should be doing.

Anyway, I checked stripes, and went over things with people. Then helped on 2 kata. Helped call out numbers. From there we did tiger rolls which I helped supervise.

ordered that gi

I've been wanting to get a new gi. I got it with the villari logo on the back. Probably wear it for the black belt test.

Class thursday we did jumping front ball kick, side thrust kick, across the dojo. Then we worked on the lock flow which is a combination of locks and counters. I worked with three different people on it.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

first couple of videos of Bushido Dvd

My first couple of videos from bushido dvd have come. It was interesting.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Finding an ad sponsor

I'm looking for an add sponsor, for this blog. Anyone is interested in sponsoring my blog let me know.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Bushido DvD's

I recently got a subscription too Bushido DVD's. We'll see how it works out.

I pinion

Some of the kids were kind of playing as kids do. Then went the time came to line up, they didn't have there cards out. Well, we had to do push-ups for that.

We started doing forms then Jim pulled us first degrees aside and pulled the blackbelt too, and had us watch the group. Then he had us devise a way to teach people. So we split the group up, and we took a bunch of the kids, and worked on 1 pinion. Then the kids were regrouped and we worked them at belt levels. I worked with the purple and blue belts first, and then worked with the white belts.

Then each group showed off what they had learned. The white belts on there own weren't able to do it, but with me in front of them they were able to. These being kids, and they not have done the form before, I felt pretty good about what they did.

diving front roll

Made it too sparring. We did the traditional style sparring, then we did multiple people against one person. Then we were only allowed to use our punches in square against everyone. Then only allowed to use kicks on our knees.

Weapons during the laps I dove under a bostaff, and kind of hurt my shoulder. I didn't break anything I don't think but it's a good lesson. Got to keep it moving. Anyway, we did forms and worked on it a bit more of my highest form. Then we did a thing with the yellow bats were we would do a count then go spar the other person. Got hit a few times in the head, but it's a good reminder too watch it.

Then in class we went int circles of fire. We rotated some people in. So it kind of changed things up.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

5 Piinion

Kids got lined up, and I didn't read anything because some else was saying something. After that we had the lessen of the week. Then put the kids through the pushups, situps, jumping jacks, and laps. Then we had them do a breathing exercise.

Then we split up. I ran the green and green brown belts through some forms. Then split up some of the green brown belts and green belts to work on five pinion. We got a good chunk of it worked on tonight. One of my frustrations is that the kids if you set them in a group can't really do a task. But then their kids.

Then I worked with the green belts on knife techniques since one of the kids is getting close to his next stripe to test. Then we also went over kempo punch techniques. Then for the last minutes we played a game.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Plum Tree and 10-Point blocking systems

After the usual laps, for a warm-up we did combinations. What was interesting was that we had to watch the other people. Another thing is that we had to do them with one step back.

Then we broke off into groups, my group worked on plum tree, ten point blocking systems, and 4 kata. It was nice to work on them since for my blackbelt test I'm going to need to know them well. One thing we went over is that doing the systems helpes to increase someone's skill levels such as blocking, striking, etc.

Then we went over a few of the bear hug techniques. One of the students who came back from basic training, had talked about what he learned. So the instructor went over some things on it.

Then me and Bruce practiced some bo staff forms.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Club self defense techniques

So we did five laps. Then some punches I believe. Then the 1st degree brown belts and the black belts went off into a seperate group. We worked on club techniques. I need to get more classes in before the test. We went over some things, I thought were pretty good then we worked on 5 pinion.

Then each the teacher had each of us take a couple of people and make a skit about one of the rules of the school. My rule was self-control. So I went with an idea one of the kids had. It seemed to work.

Friday, March 17, 2006

weapons forms and sparring

Wasn't alot of people in sparring tonight. So we kind of did free sparring. Tried helping a person who was new to sparring. I think she improved alot.

Weapons class we went through bo staff forms. Worked on the newest one. It was alittle different then I remember it. But it will take time to get better at it. I got to practice some of my forms. Then went through with someone the sai form. Tried giving them more but time ran out.

After that I was smelling rather ripe, so I went home.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

weapons forms

Went over a bo staff form before empty hand class today. Then we did four laps. We did kempos in a box, basically doing kempo punch techniques in area the kept getting smaller. Then we did club techniques, and kempo techniques in a line, where people would be the attacker multiple times. We each too times in the as the defender. Then me, a blackbelt, and a brown belt worked on knife techniques and a discussion.

After class we worked on sai's, and bo staff forms. So that was about an additional hour.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Ultimate fighting

It's nice too see some more rules, more medical treatment, etc. Also, if it keeps up it could be our martial sport. One thing alot of other nations have we don't is a combat sport of our own.

You probably never see me in a competition though. Not that it's not effective, it's just not how I would fight.

Friday, March 10, 2006

one move at a time

One thing my teacher did was have us do the form one movement at a time all together. It helped to define the movements. First we did the form once through. Then we did it one movement at a time, then we did it all together.

Then some of us upper belts broke off and did another form. Then me and Brad broke off and did our upper forms. The upper forms are getting easier. Then we went through escrima stuff. I'm having a problem with 9 count. Isn't got a long time to work on it though. We then went through and practiced switching counts or chaining as it is called.

Then it was time to line up. I'm staying away from some of the classes because of my cough. Not that I couldn't do it. Just be embarressing, throwing up again.

knife techniques

Head to class, didn't read anything during mediation because something good someone else said. So it can wait. Anyway, one of the kids brought a friend who may join the school so I explained to her some of what they were doing.

I checked stripes. Then I worked with the green belts on 3 pinion. One thing I'm dealing with is how to get them too, open up there minds about form. To see what the good it can do rather than just AH something we have to do.

Then we went over combinations, and I went around checking to see how people's knife techniques were. Caught one person off guard, and that's okay.

For the game, we had the kids climb ropes. It's not something I've very good at, but with practice I know you can get better.

sometimes it doesn't pay to get out of bed

So I go to class. Then I throw up. Not much but other people don't want to train with me after that. I dont' blame them. Maybe I wouldn't either. So my teacher has me do some forms.

Monday, March 06, 2006

bo staff form

Still getting the hang of the some of the changes in the bo staff forms. But it will come in time. What really threw me off was having too show the some of the blackbelts one of the forms I've seen once. But someone else was able to help out in it. Going over it has helped.

Emty hand class we went over combinations, went over a few things. We also did all our combinations with 12 combination between them. Then we did circle of fire with 12 combination again with takedowns. So that was interesting.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

12 combination in a ring of fire

We did the laps, then some stretching exercises then we did kicks then some more stretching. What was interesting was doing twelve combination in a ring of fire. Each person would do 12 on the attacker, with the attacker stepping back. Then the attacker would attack again. One thing with the spinning back kick is that it's very effective, but in sparring it's hard to control.

The martial arts and real life

I read a small section of Grandmaster Villari's The martial arts and Real Life. I think I will probably read more of it someother times. I've been reading some of the action principles, while the kids mediate but was in the mood for something new. I guess it went over a point I was trying to make about people's foot being on the floor. I know it's not easy for them, but I hope eventually that working with the kids well help them.

One of the kids wasn't there. Oh, well got other kids to work with. Wanted to try and encourage him a little.

One thing I did is have the kids run through forms. Then worked on some of there combinations. Then we did a gauntlet exercise while I tried to teach one of the kids some of statue of the crane. That kind of turned into a circus, but I couldn't think of something to do with them otherwise.

I helped watch tiger rolls. It kind of got a little sloppy. Which I don't like but atleast it teaches people to go down.

I'm going to have to get out of the studio faster after class. I'm hoping to work with one of the students who is getting near to one of his next belts on saturday, but we'll see if he's available.