Web My Journey

Thursday, December 27, 2007

5 most dangerous tai kwon do kicks

Well, saw this and thought it might be interesting. Didn't know tai kwon do had low kicks. Kind of reminds me of a shaolin sweep. But hey that's just me.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I was reading this blog and it talked about sun-tzu's art of war. Well, here are my thoughts. The core of sun-tzu's writings are about people. Without people, one cannot know the information to decide the strategy one should use. However, now it is possible with the internet to gather information without people. Not that people are not necessary, but rather that there are other means of gather information.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

dire wolves versus grey wolves

So I was watching something on the discovery channel about Dire wolves. Now the Dire wolves, were bigger, more aggressive, and were in larger packs then the Grey wolf. However, what the Grey wolf, was adaptable. So when the big animals the wolves the Dire Wolves relied on for food died off, so did the Dire Wolves. While the Grey wolf survived to this day. Interesting.


Sunday, December 09, 2007

Flinging snow

I was helping my dad get snow out of the drive way. As we were shoveling, my dad told me to fling the snow farther so it wouldn't pile up at the edge of the driveway. It reminded me of my bo staff work.


Monday, December 03, 2007

How to boost the brain

I saw this article on boosting the brain. As a martial artist I think it's always a good idea to be mindful of such things.
