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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

kneeling or sitting

I read an article about a Japanese sensi who came and kneeled while he watched people do forms. One thing is some people's knees can't handle that.


Friday, February 23, 2007

High Energy = Good Person?

One thing that bothers me is when High energy is mistaken for being a good person. A high energy person could do things that aren't very good. A person who doesn't have alot of energy could be a good person.

I ran into someone I know from Karate. She said she would go more if she had more energy. This is a person who is getting ready for there blackbelt.


sparring with weapons

So I led the weapons class. I replaced some the bo staffs with other things, like a shovel, a foam noodle, a closet rod, and then switched the bo staffs after doing the form. Then we did one form under some mats stacked on top of some wavemasters. But it was with an escrima stick.

The next thing we did is spar with foam noodles, then switch, two too foam bats, then a foam bat and rubber knife, and then just a rubber knife. The thing is we didn't know when the person would switch call out switch.

Then we did empty hand class. The class ran around will i set up something. Then the class would go through and do kempos. Then combinations. Next we did some cardio kickboxing combinations. For the last part me made a beginning of a form.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

bubble wrap

So while I setup the obstacle course the helpers had the kids run around and stretch out. Basically, the kids were to go over some stacked mats, do a roll, and do an overhead defense, then do some punches on the wavemasters, then I setup some stairmasters they were to walk across. I had the kids not make a sound while they were doing it. If they did they were to do pushups.

Then I worked with the white and yellow belts on punches and overheads. I had them line up, then one person would come over and I would do an overhead attack on them. Then they went to the back of the line.

The last thing was game time in which we played snowballs. We moved some equipment from the obstacle course off to the side. Then we setup the snowballs.

We lined the class up, bow in, and mediate for a few moments. Then we had them run around in some laps waving through the wavemasters that were still setup. Then the class started jogging in place and people asked some questions, then the students were to recall those the answers to those questions.

I helped setup some bubble wrap. It's kind of the same thing as rice paper. The idea is to make as few sounds as possible as you walk over it. Well we setup two and had a race, counting the fewest possible. The kids were to run over the bubble wrap, then go over to some wavemasters at the far end of the studio, then run back to there lines. We did this several times then broke off into groups.

Zack worked ran the group through forms, while I setup the mats and setup the ring of fire. There were several people who needed the ring of fire, and we worked combinations in it. Then Jim and Zack worked with a few people on combinations.

Then for the last game we played kick the bags. One of the kids was doing a good job of dodging them, however there were three other people on the other team. So we played several games of this.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Random Acts of Kindness

So we got the kids lined up. Then we had them ran around. Then we stretched them out. I checked stripes and tried figuring out who was up for stripes. Then we did the the thought of the week, and talked about the random acts of kindness program. Then we played a game of freeze tag.

Then the next class lined up and we bowed in. We had them run around, and then we stretched them out. While this was going on I checked someone for a stripe. Then we did the thought of the week, and talked about the random acts of kindness. Then we played frisbees for a game.

Then the green through brown belt class we did laps in a figure eight. Then we did some stretches. Then we did the thought of the week and random acts of kindess. Then then we worked on some forms, and worked on some kempo with partners.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

I was doing seven combination with footwork with someone before weapons class and it made me think of something. If one stands does the technique one is going to get used to standing there. I was also thinking in empty hand class how we do strikes in a horse stance. Perhaps we should be having people move around more. Once people learn the material of course.


Yoking and presenting the bo staff forms.

So I found out I and another person were leading the weapons class. So we did some laps. Then did some warmups. Then some stretch. A unique stretch I saw was took one's foot on the bo staff and lift one's leg up.

Then I got one person to watch the class doing some bo staff forms. First we had them do ko bo, then two other forms. They kind of changed how they were doing the form.

Then we had class break off and yoke the groups last bo staff form. Then we had each group demonstrate the form. Then me and Bruce did a form by switching where we were. Then I switched up the bo staff's for foam noodles, and other stuff. Then had them do there bo staff form with them.

Then Brad had us do our first bo staff form. Then we seperated into teams and the first team that got done one. Then we did another bo staff form.

Then in empty hand class we did a our bunch of laps. Then some stretch's. Josh lead the class and he had us do some partner stretches.

Then we worked on our overhead and sideclub defenses. One point Josh made is that, most of our overhead defenses one is closing there opponent off. With ten combination and twin tiger's however, one is opening one up and we worked on a hook foot technique or a using the knee.

We also worked on the deflect and go under the arm. One thing I learned is you can loop your arm through and that you'll only need one arm. Another thing, is one can do 26 combination with that one. Also confiscate the arm so too speak.

Then we also worked on the strike and figure 4 armbar. One thing I learned is that one should reshape the body BEFORE one tries taking the other person down. I think this the reason I have been having trouble with it.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Traditionalists or sport martial arts?

I recently read an article in Black Belt Magazine, brought up the decline of Traditionalists in Martial Arts. That there are fewer and fewer traditionalists in Martial Arts. More and more people who practice martial arts as a sport are in business.

Well, for one thing, society likes winners. People who can put champion before his name have celebrity status. Also, I was talking with someone about eventually starting a school. He pointed out that if someone was in the Olympics, and versus a guy who was a black belt, who would you go with?

But on the flip side. To teach good technique does have to be as hard on students as a traditional teacher? One thing is that some training techniques such as using hot sand can be detrimental to one's health.

I'm more of a middle line appoach. My thought is why can't we make things fun. How can most people gain from there training? Most people wouldn't be able to handle the "Traditional" way of doing things. Then when they have to defend themselves, they will be ready.


As in a movie

I had the kids bowed in and mediating. Then we had the kids run some laps, and stop at certain times to do things such as some strikes or combinations. Then we did some stretches. Next we did a thing where the kids would have to run over and kick a snow ball on top of the cone. I put a wavemaster top over the cone to challenge the kids a little bit. We did that several times then switched to instep kicks. One reason I did that is that it introduced the front ball kicks, and instep kicks for the white belts, and was hoping one of the kids would want to jump in and participate.

We had the kids line up. I kind of helped get the cards straightened out as far as attendance. Then I worked with some of the kids on there front two knuckle, back two knuckle, and thrust punches.

Then we played a game of freeze tag but the kids couldn't go out of the red of the mats. I tagged kids who went off the red and then they were frozen. Well, the kids didn't go off the mats anymore.

So the next class came in, and got lined up, and we recognized the people who got promoted from the belt test. Then we had them mediate. Then run laps. Next we did some strikes, and held out some striking film for the kids to hit.

Then we broke off into groups. We had the kids go through there forms. Then did a ring of fire with kempos. One person needed to work on his kempo's. Another needed rings of fire. So that's why we did that. We went clockwise for awhile, then I missed someone so we switched it up. Then I worked with someone to get him more kempo's.

Then for a game we played frisbee's. We put down pins, and if one side knocked them over they got all there team members back in. We also put out a dice that was just like another frisbee.

Then brown belt class came along. I kind of had to fix my pants so they didn't come lose and go to the bathroom. I thought my pants were tight enough but, when I got to class I realized they were kind of lose.

So we did some warmups. Then setup up a octogon. Our first thing to do was to do one pinion, in with out changing the form. So we got pushups since no one did it in the same spot as we started from. Then some other people tried it and we eventually got it. Then we did something where two people would run to the center and one would be the attacker and one would be the defender. We did that for a little while. Jim said we were to act as if there was a movie director looking for people were around.

Then we broke off into groups, my group worked on 4 kata. I went over some parts with the two brown belts I was working with and made some suggestions. I had them do it with bags, to get more power in their kicks. Then we lined back up and were dismissed.


Monday, February 05, 2007

Spot Runner

Saw this website on tv. One thing I was thinking of is this could help martial arts studio's. Since it's a focus on local instead of national television.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

yoking a form

So we started the weapons class out with three laps, pushups, situps, and jumping jacks. Then did some strikes in the air. Next we did some forms.

I worked with a blue-green belt on Choto Cyan. One thing I mentioned is the his blocks. Took out a bo staff, and demonstrated the attack he would defend against. I think he help him improve his form.

Then I worked with a yellow belt, and watched her do her form and when over some of the movements with her. Next I "yoked" the form, which is do the attack she is to defend against. I didn't do that attack fullspeed though. Although I think he helped her remember the form.

Then me and Brad worked on Matayoshi No Tonfa Knee. It needs work part of the problem is I dont' get alot of time to practice it. It's still new to me.

Next we did a little sparring with foam bats. The first so round we did where you could only do so many attacks. Then we did it where it was two on one.

Then we did empty hand class. We did about seven laps total. Then did stretching. Next we did a gauntlet with overheads, and sideclubs. Then we did a ring of hire and did that again.

We worked a little backwards rolls. Then we worked on knife techniques also, and I worked with a purple belt on an underhand knife technique and overhead knife defense technique.

For the last thing we cleaned up the studio. We all took a section and wiped down the mirrors. We also straightened the equipment.


Friday, February 02, 2007

Been thinking recently, that if one wants to teach martial arts for a living, one should study other things. For example, you could probably make more as a massage therapist, or a write than as a martial arts teacher.


Thursday, February 01, 2007

I recently stumbled on this. Now, no question on how tough the guy is, or that he's trying out to do good. But it seems his goal is to help someone take responsibility.

One thing I was thinking about is why would he put people into tournaments unless they raise the money for it? To me this seems like it would be a lesson in itself. Another thing is he wants young men. Well, young men are not known to be for their maturity.

Personally, I would love to train everyday. I don't think I would ever get accepted to a place like that. But it's interesting none the less.


Sports versus martial arts

Sports versus martial arts or Sports versus music or Sports versus Scouting. Why does it have to be sports? Why can't the kids do multiple activities?

You know I was watching this program, this young woman was going for the Chinese Olympic Team. If she doesn't try for it, she will live for the rest of her life wondering what could have been. But most of the kids aren't that committed.


dodge and hit

So we got the kids lined up for class. After sitting and mediating for a bit, had them run some laps and call some stuff. Then we did some stretches. Then we did the thought of the week.

Then we broke off and worked together. I worked with two white belts. One was just starting and the other had a little experience. I demonstrated a few of the techniques in the air. Then got out a little wavemaster and having working those techniques while I worked with the other white belt. Then I got out a ukemi ball and had them kick and strike the ball a few times. Then I got out a shield and worked with them on the shield with those strikes. The last thing I did, captain punch, where if I said go, and then punched then they had to do pushups.

Then we played a game of jump the dragon, for a game. I did the rope the first time then another person did the rope. We haven't done it in a long time so it was something different.

Then with the blue - green/brown belt class. They got line up a little slow, so we had them line back up again. Then we had them bow to the flag, and to the front, and bow to each other and sit and mediate. Then we had them do some laps. Then we did some stretches.

I worked with the green belts on knife techniques. Then worked with them on 3 pinion. Then I got out a kicking target and pads and worked some different strikes and kicks with cardio paddles. Then did some thing where they had to avoid getting hit by snowballs, and hit targets as much as possible. Then for a last thing, doing combinations taking someone down on the folded up mat.

Then we played jump the dragon as a game again.
