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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Psychically Violent People

I think Jim Schulenburg is psychially violent. After I quit Villari's he showed up at my work, and at my college saying a bunch of lies about me. Now I was content to let things go.

A rumor spread around is the equivalant of a minor curse. It's not true what they say that "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Words can indeed hurt, and hurt HARD!

So I ask you is this a good person? If a person doesn't pay him money to go spread lies at their work and college? Would a good person really do that? I think not!

If Jim Schulenburg hadn't gone to my school, I would have let things go. But now how can I? After he has damaged my brand? After he has effected my good name?

He is an enabler, no he is the root of the problem. I used to think he didn't know. Then I thought he couldnt' do anything about it. But now, I know he is the root of the problem. He is just as responsible as the people under him for the acts they have committed if not more so because he trained them. By all rights he and his cohorts should be in Jail right now awaiting trial.



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