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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Mentor program

One thing with home study programs, is I know people who are interested in martial arts, but can't make regular classes (going to college, etc.) Well, one thing is it would be good if I perhaps in a home study program someone who was advanced could help them with material, then they would test by video. One thing I was thinking, is it would be easier to give someone a video tape of the form first, then teach them because then they would be more familiar with it.


Friday, March 30, 2007


So in weapons class Brad placed some obstacles we had to run over. So we did some laps jumping over them. I thought I was going to tip them over but I didn't.

Then we went through the bo staff forms. We did a few forms. Then I worked with someone on the ko bo on his footwork. I watched him do his form, then I got out the foam feet and had him do it with the foam feet. Next worked with two people on a few bo staff forms with Bruce Burford.

Then next class we went through some stretches, then did some cardio. We ran alot of laps. Then we got out wavemasters and put out feet around them, then punched them. I learned that one should make a sound like hee-haw. It's a two sibal sound. Then we went into one overhead technique. Thing is kind of complicated because you go to the ground with it.

Then I worked with a brown belt. He's up for a promotion, so I went through five kata with him. Then I went through some of the sideclubs and overheads, and then kempos. Next week we'll probably work more.


pickup game and 3 combination

So we had the kids run a few laps, then did the thought of the week. Then I took some of the kids into the changing room and worked on one pinion. I tried working on two pinion but that didn't work so well. So I took them outside and started working on combinations. Then I demonstrated the 3 combination, and tried having them play the pickup game with it. Well, eventually another helper took some of the kids so I worked with the purple belts. We worked on the knife defense technique.

Then the next class came in. We did some cardio stuff then did thought of the week. Next I worked with two green belts. One had there red stripe, so I worked on 15 combination. Then did some punching drill and showed them the intermediate kicking drill. Then played a game.

Next in the Green-Blackbelt class we did a bunch of kicking a punching drills. Then I worked on combinations. I learned more about 27 combination.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

So I went to weapons class and we started out with two laps above our heads and then some figure eights. Then we did our highest form, then our lowest form. Then I worked with the sai's form with one person. Helped him on a few things. Then worked on the kama form got a little more of that. I was kind of expecting something different but Brad said we are learning the basics.

Then for the empty hand class we started out with four laps. Then we did a whole bunch of pushups and other stuff to get us warmed up. Then Josh called out numbers and we were to do the combinations. Then I worked with three brown belts on four kata. One thing I had them do is do the form with their eyes closed.


Friday, March 23, 2007

the bending obstacle course

We hadn't done an obstacle course for awhile, so I set it up. I put a bunch of wavemaster's in a line then put some interesting at a 90 degree angle. Then I put some dots down to have them halfmoon. After that I put too stair master tops. Then I put tape for different strikes. However, I didn't realize some of the kids don't read at their age. While this was going on Jim took them through their strikes.

So first time through they did some punches and kicks then did some halfmooning, and ran over the stairmaster tops. I added a hoop that the kids were too throw frisbee into. Well, it was a little far for them.

Then I worked with some of the kids checking stripes. I worked with one person with one pinion. Then it was game time. So when the kids go out I pulled them aside too check them for their material.

Then the next class came up, and they did different strikes on the bags. Then they did twenty situps, jumping jacks, and pushups. Then for a thought of the week I split the class into two teams and had each team try to get them through a web of rope I set up. Then we split off into groups, and I checked kids for stripes.

Next everyone lined up for the class and we did some laps. Then we lined up by the mirrors and went back and forth. Then we got out out the pads and started working the pads.

Some of the things we did is we did two strikes then a kick. Then we stepped to the side. Another thing we did is put them horizontal flip them down to allow for punches.

Next I with one person on forms. I tweaked a little bit on her form then gave her a little more.


Saturday, March 17, 2007

little bit more Hansuki

So anyway we started out weapons class with two laps with our bo staffs over our heads. Then doing figure eights, then one right handed and one left handed figure eights. The we did pushups, situps, and jumping jacks. Me and Bruce worked on our bo staff forms, then we got out our sai's and went through our sai forms. We worked with other people who had sai's.

Then the next class we did alot of stretches, then did some cardio kicking drills. Then we broke off into groups and worked on stuff. I worked for a few minutes on Hansuki. Then I worked on 5 kata. Then the blackbelts went off and worked on Hansuki. Then they had more of it so I went off and worked on Hansuki by my self. Then two people came over and worked on it with me.


Friday, March 16, 2007

sidebladekick to the front

Well, we recognized the kids that were in the belt test. Then had them bow and mediate. Then did some footwork drills with the kids. Chelsie then had the kids do some laps. Then we did thought of the week.

We didn't have alot of helpers so Jim E. checked stripes, while I worked with the class. Since we had two white belts that kind of limted the stuff we could do. What I had the kids do is have a have heats, then me and Chelsie hold cardio paddles. I kept it too the white belt curriculum. Looking back, I could have had the higher belts do their stuff, while the white belts did the same stuff. Or I could place obstacles in there way.

For a last game we played jump the Dragon. As a tie breaker we had the kids pick up a snow ball. Well, I had the highest belt go first, and the whitebelt won.

Then the next class lined up. There were alot of new blue belts. So a couple people helped out. We had them run around, then do the thought of the week. During which time I looked through the cards and looked for people who had stripes, and talked with Britany what we were to do.

Then we broke of into our groups. I worked with someone on getting two new kempo's, so he has enough to get his stripe. Then worked with someone on five pinion. After that we played frisbee's. I kicked some of the frisbee's back in.

Then next class lined up. I lead the class out with laps. Jim E. said I should confuse the other people so we did laps in figure eights. First I did jogging then I did stealth mode. Then I did leopard walking.

Then we made two lines and faced each other. Jim E. called out a technique then he would either ki or say go. If we were the last person done we had to do two pushups. But if we went when we said go, the whole team had to do three pushups. We did various things including a sideblade kick to the front. Which I had never done before.

Then our team went off and did a form practiced doing a form then we presented the form. Then we rearranged our teams then did another form, and presented that one. Then we split off into smaller groups, and worked on combinations.


Monday, March 12, 2007

One thing I don't like about the Inain siliwali counts is that if you do it wrong, then your partner might get hit. It probably would be better to if the person who did wrong got hit.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Footwork, and blocking before teaching forms?

I think it would be easier too teach someone a form, such as one pinion, if certain things were worked on first. For example, working on half-mooning, eight point blocking system, doing a villari v, etc, since people do parts of those things in the form.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

half of a form

For a warmup, we had the kids run around, and run on top of mats and do some kicks on wavemasters. Then we did thought of the week. Next I worked with the purple belts on one pinion. They were having trouble with the footwork so I had them do some footwork exercises. Then the kids did the form for the rest of the class. Then for a game they played jump the dragon. I put out wavemaster tops to keep the kids inside.

The next class I moved some wavemasters that they would have to do different strikes on and some mats stacked over that they would have to run over, in addition they had to dodge the dragon. Then we did the thought of the week, and split up. Someone else checked the kids for stripes. What I had the kids do a ring of fire with side club techniques till they ran out of them. Then they worked on forms. I had them put a wavemaster top underneath them to help encourage them to sink down. Then we played a game of jump the dragon.

Then for next class I lead the class in a warm up, then did some stretching. Then we did a circle of fire. Then each of the four of us took three of the kids, and worked on a overhead. Then did ring of fire again and worked on sideclubs. Then each of the adults worked with the kids again on a sideclub. Then we did combinations, then some strikes. Then did some forms with half with form then another half of a form.


I was reading an article about a martial artist. Instead of opening a school, he taught privately. That's an interesting way of teaching.


Sunday, March 04, 2007

I saw this on speeding up your learning. One thing I wish would have been better is more on memorization.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

more slap outs

So we had the kids line up, bow in and mediate. Then we had them run around on top of mats, and we had noodles that they had to get past. We were trying to have them be quiet this time.

Then we did thought of the week. Next we did a teamworking course, get their team to a certain point. But they had to use stepmaster, they had already used. It kind of went with the thought of the week.

Then we broke off into groups. I worked with the purple belts on two pinion. Then we worked on some strikes. Then I had them try and hit the wavemaster without getting hit by the foam noodles. Next I had the kids do combinations on top of a folded up mat. For a game we played freeze tag.

The next class lined up, and I setup the mats again so they could run over the mats. Then the other assistants tried did the noodles. Then we did some strikes, and I went around with a shield.

We did the thought of the week, and I went throug the cards to see who did their stripes. Next we worked on slap outs, Jim E. checked some people for stripes. We got out the mats and lined them up horizontally in the studio. Then we had two lines. The front row would go first, then the second row would go. We did slapouts front and back, and then did front and back rolls. Then we did halfmooning with some foam feet. The last thing is we played a game of freeze tag.

Then in the adult class we played a game of freeze tag. I managed to avoid the bat a few times by rolling around. But they figured out what I would do.

Then we did a circle of fire with overheads. Then took one overhead and tried to make it the best we could make it. Then we demonstrated it. Then we did another circle of fire this time with sideclubs, and then took another sideclub did the same thing. One thing Jim E. wants us to do is use more hip power.
