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Friday, April 23, 2010

Extortion by martial arts teachers of their students

In the shaolin temple, a student would study under his teacher for many years. He would indeed serve him. However, there would come a time in which he would "Leave the Nest" so to speak.

A period of free work is indeed necessary to help one gain confidence in their skills. However after that period, once one has acquired meaningful skills one should be paid for the use of those skills and paid well! Teaching martial arts is a skill in and of itself. One must send out disciples into the world.

However, I do not feel one should be expected to continuousily serve their martial arts teacher. A student should respect his martial arts teacher, but the student expected to work for free at their school teachers school. I feel that is extortion.

All a person should need to teach is liability insurance, registering their name with the local county court house, five hundred dollars of fliers, ads in the local paper, and flyiers. I feel that investing alot of money into a school leads to "Inefficient use of capital." If one invests alot of money if a school then they must get a sufficient return on that money.



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