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Thursday, March 08, 2007

half of a form

For a warmup, we had the kids run around, and run on top of mats and do some kicks on wavemasters. Then we did thought of the week. Next I worked with the purple belts on one pinion. They were having trouble with the footwork so I had them do some footwork exercises. Then the kids did the form for the rest of the class. Then for a game they played jump the dragon. I put out wavemaster tops to keep the kids inside.

The next class I moved some wavemasters that they would have to do different strikes on and some mats stacked over that they would have to run over, in addition they had to dodge the dragon. Then we did the thought of the week, and split up. Someone else checked the kids for stripes. What I had the kids do a ring of fire with side club techniques till they ran out of them. Then they worked on forms. I had them put a wavemaster top underneath them to help encourage them to sink down. Then we played a game of jump the dragon.

Then for next class I lead the class in a warm up, then did some stretching. Then we did a circle of fire. Then each of the four of us took three of the kids, and worked on a overhead. Then did ring of fire again and worked on sideclubs. Then each of the adults worked with the kids again on a sideclub. Then we did combinations, then some strikes. Then did some forms with half with form then another half of a form.



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