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Saturday, December 30, 2006

ukemi ball stuff

So I helped someone at the beginning of class go over bo staff forms. He seemed to remember them well. We did some laps, then did some bo staff forms. Then we did some combinations down the floor. One was a figure figure-8 with a overhead strike. Then another one was a overhead and a poke. Another one was a side strike with a overhead. Another was a curl with a poke. Brad had us stay in horse stances while the other person was doing the combinations.

Then on the empty hand class we did some laps, then each person did a stretch. We then got out ekemi balls. We did forms with them, combinations, sideclubs, overheads, then had a divided into two teams. We first kicked it down, then rolled it down then bounced it down, etc.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

catch the butterfly

We had three kids in the kids classes. So we had them run around, then stretched them out. Then we did some strikes, and kicks with the kids. I got out a shield and let them hit it.

Then we each had a station one of the instructors worked on forms, kicks and strikes, and sideclubs, overheads, and combinations. So I worked on forms with the kids. I tried getting the kids to act mean when they did the show of strength, but they laughed. Oh well... Atleast they got a good kia.

Then we played a freeze tag. I put out some wavemasters and the instructors played. Which I think made it more intersting for the kids. It was good cardiovascalar exercise.

Next class lined up, mediated, and bowed in. Then I had them start running, and throw a nerf frisbee around. If it dropped they had to do ten jumping jacks. Then they had to do twenty pushups, twenty situps, and twenty jumping jacks. Then everyone did a stretch Then two more laps.

We did the thought of the week, which was on consistantsy. Last week the kids, had an assignment to look it up. Well, no one seemed to do it. Oh well...

Then there was one person up for a stripe, and we got out three wavemasters to work on strikes and kicks. I called out different strikes and kicks to do. Then we played a game of kick the bags.

Then it was time for green-black belt class. We did some running, then did some stretching. Then we worked on some of the black belt stuff some combinations and forms. It was nice. I got a new combination too.

Friday, December 22, 2006

3 kata

So we got the kids lined up. Then we had them run around. We did some strikes hand strikes, and kicks. I got out some shields, and the assistands held them. I thought it was good for the kids, to be able to hit a target versus just strike air. I also got out some squares to have them put there feet on, so there foot would come back to the same place. It would be interesting to make this a game.

We worked on on pinion. One person didn't know all of it. So the assistants did the form around the person to help them out. Then we broke up into groups to work individually with each of the kids.

We played freeze tag for the game. I stayed by a piece of weight lifting equipment, and tagged anyone who came by. I think it's a good deterant to keep them from running into the equipment.

The next class came in and they mediated, ran laps, did the thought of the week. Then we broke up into groups. I worked with the blue through blue/green group. First I took them through there forms, then through there combinations, then I had them line up and one person would do an overhead attack on the defender who would do the technique.

Then the kids played frisbees. I added some cones to the game so, to make it more challenging. I figure since it's a more advanced class, we need a more advanced game.

Then brown-blackbelt class. After two hours I had to go to the bathroom, then jumped into doing laps. We each did a stretch.

Then we did overhead club techniques in the air. Then did one on each person in the room. Then we counted off and seperated into two lines. Each line was staggered, and the first person would go through and be attacked by the other people in the line. Then the people would rotate and another person would defend themselves. Jim had a us race between the two lines.

Then we broke off and I worked with a group on the combinations. Some people had a hard time remembering the combinations, so we did it again to help them remember them. Then we worked on 11 combination and 19. Another person had one and 20 combination, so I looked at that and made a suggestion. Then I had them once they had learned those combinations to do them on another person on mats.

Then I worked with a bunch of people on 3 kata. I learned a little bit from one of the people who already had it but wanted to help. That was the end of class.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Party

Well, just got back from leadership team christmas party. We usually go to Pedro's and the meal is pad for. We are supposed to bring a gag gift. Then we roll to pick then get a shot to exchange the gift. I gave mine away to a young girl who I traded it from, since I didn't have much use for it anyway. I mean I already have enough fat on me without a chocolate bar. The big item everyone wanted was the chicken that sang christmas songs. We each got a small tiger that kai'd.

Friday, December 15, 2006

snowballs on a friday night class?

So I helped with sparring a little before the weapons class. Then I had them sit in a lotus position, while they mediated. Then they started on forms. So I helped one of the newer members of the weapons class with a bo staff form while Bruce worked with the rest of the class. Then I worked with her on escrima stuff. Then me and Bruce had them work on there own count and Bruce showed me more of my next form.

The empty hand class, we did some laps, and he Bruce would call out what do do next. We did some crab walks which were different and had us reverse some ways. Then we did some stretches, and did some kempos.

Bruce had us going through forms. When one ran out of forms, they would sit down. I didn't have my highest form, so I just copied the other two blackbelts. Then we played snowballs.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Picture days

Well, we had picture day wednesday. So we had a regular class uptill the pictures were taken. Which, we had them run doing some various things. Then we had a thought on the week on listening and I got the kids warmed up. Then we broke off into groups and I worked with the yellow belts. I worked alot of the strikes on the wavemaster. I tried having the kids keep a beach ball in the air with there kicks. However after several tries it didn't work, and I tried having them keep a ukemi ball in the circle. So then we had the kids take pictures, some of them had gotten there picture taken individually before. Then we had the kids the class in one shot.

Next class I got in late, but they were doing combinations. So we explained a little bit about four combination. We got the class picture which took a while. Some of the kids had to say in a low horse stance for awhile, which was good for them. Then we broke off into groups, and I worked with the green brown belts and green belts on there forms. I mentioned a few suggestions for there forms. Some of them are near going for there brown belt test so, I am wanting to make sure they get the forms they need. Then we played a game of snowballs and it was time for the next class.

I had the people run around in some laps. Then we took a picture of the group, and then did a really big ring of fire. Basically, it was with two attackers at once. One and Dan, I went up front and he went behind. Or we acted like we wanted directions.

Then Jim worked with a few people while me and Howard ran a gauntlet. He called out when to rotate, and I helped where needed, and helped to make sure everyone was a proper distance away. We were doing takedowns, so it is important to keep people away so they don't fall on each other.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

article on taking punches

I saw this and it seemed interesting as well as humorous.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

jumping jack with overhead clap

So we started out with three laps. First lap an overhead block. The second one a press upward, and third twirl. We did situps, and pushups as well.

Then we did a first form. Then me and Bruce helped out the new people with the forms. Then we got back up and Brad had us do an exercise. We put wavemasters for people to use, then a snowball on top. We did different things such as a sidestrike poke or an overhead poke, or sidestrike with a villari v.

Then we did escrima counts. Me and Bruce went through our counts up too nine. Nine count is definately getting better.

Then we had empty hand class. We ran three laps with strikes. Then we had to run three more laps with strikes. Then we did situps and pushups. Then more situps. Then we did jumping jacks. But we had to do them over since not everyone was counting. So we had to do claps when we did jumping jacks. Then we had to do that over since not everyone was clapping. So we had to too fifty jumping jacks with claps. Then since not everyone was clapping the blackbelts had to do ten kempos with two pushups after each one and we were to get done before the purple belts who only had two do four.

The next thing we were too do was the circles of fire. We did overheads, sideclubs, kempos. Then my group got done before the other group so they had to do pushups, and I joined in to strengthen my arms.

Then we did skits. We did a skit about self-control, where we were in a class, and we were doing a distancing drill. Then one person was hitting another person and so the other person grabbed the person and asked them to suggested to have more self-control. The other group did this skit where only one person was not cheating on a test.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

how to improve the brain

I saw this article. Thought others might benifit from reading it.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

brown belt class

Had them bow in, then did the thought of the week. They did a few laps then did some bunny hops back and forth. I worked with a yellow belt on one pinion. Then we did a game, and we did snowballs. Some of the older kids played, against the smaller kids so I gave the smaller kids, some wavemaster tops for cover, and shields to use.

So next class we got them lined up did some laps, and the bunny hop thing again. Also some pushups, and situps. Then did the thought of the week. Then I worked with the green brown belts and green belts on forms. Hopefully it helped everyone.

So I stayed for the blackbelt/brown belt class. I got the ran some laps with them, then did some lotus palm breathing technique. Then did some stretches, then plum tree blocking technique, and ten point blocking technique.

Then Jim went over that, and we did the gauntlet. We did overheads, sideclubs, combinations, knife techniques one round each. Then we worked on plunging knife techniques. I helped someone on the technique. Then we worked on forms again, with one group working on five kata, and one on four kata. Well, I helped someone on the five kata.

Friday, December 01, 2006

enough power

So I started out with six laps, two extra for being late. Then went through most of our forms. Then me and Bruce did our the two remaining forms together.

Then we got in a circle, and did the bo staff forms with different people. If it wasn't powerful enough we had to run laps. So we did bo staff forms with different people.

Then we got out the sai's and I ran through one group with them, and Bruce gave more of the next sai form to Clayton and Jim Embrossi. I went through it once with them. Then had them line up in two lines with each line facing each direction.

Next class we ran a bunch of laps, then each person did fifteen second cardio. Then each group was two came up with a drill. So our group went first and we had the people play hop scotch two the punching bag, while blocking with blockers. Then next group had this thing where you would go over two mats, then one person would do a grab, and another person would do another grab. Then the next group did this thing where you did kicks, or punches or blocks on different heights, and angles. Then one group did this thing where one person would do a roll, then a jumping front ball kick, then a block and punch, hammer, and then knee. Then the two would switch. Then we did some forms, and strikes and that was the end of that.

getting ready for a belt test

So belt test saturday. Alot the kids in the class might be in it. So we emphasied technique.

We had the do some laps, then stop and do some strikes. I rolled a wavemaster top for them to jump over a little. Then had them run and had them stop. Then we broke up into groups. I worked with two yellow and orange belts on one pinion. I spent alot of time on it. I worked with different sides with them. I got out the feet and took them step by step. Then we had a game, I think it was snowballs. Some of the kids from the next class started in.

Then the next class started out. We had them do some laps. Then jumping jacks, push ups, and situps. Then when into overheads and sideclub techniques having one person do a technique until was out of techniques.

Then we seperated the kids into groups. Each group was responsible for an obstacle. Then when they were done, we had them go through the obstacle course with the groups.

Next we split up into groups. I worked with the green-brown belts and a green belt. Erin took a few of the people who didn't have alot. The people I had I worked on forms with going through pinions. Then had some of them work on overheads and sideclubs on each other.

Then we played a game freeze tag. But a twist this time, that we put out two snowballs, and that could be used to get to freeze the person with the bats. It kept the bats moving around.