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Friday, December 01, 2006

getting ready for a belt test

So belt test saturday. Alot the kids in the class might be in it. So we emphasied technique.

We had the do some laps, then stop and do some strikes. I rolled a wavemaster top for them to jump over a little. Then had them run and had them stop. Then we broke up into groups. I worked with two yellow and orange belts on one pinion. I spent alot of time on it. I worked with different sides with them. I got out the feet and took them step by step. Then we had a game, I think it was snowballs. Some of the kids from the next class started in.

Then the next class started out. We had them do some laps. Then jumping jacks, push ups, and situps. Then when into overheads and sideclub techniques having one person do a technique until was out of techniques.

Then we seperated the kids into groups. Each group was responsible for an obstacle. Then when they were done, we had them go through the obstacle course with the groups.

Next we split up into groups. I worked with the green-brown belts and a green belt. Erin took a few of the people who didn't have alot. The people I had I worked on forms with going through pinions. Then had some of them work on overheads and sideclubs on each other.

Then we played a game freeze tag. But a twist this time, that we put out two snowballs, and that could be used to get to freeze the person with the bats. It kept the bats moving around.


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