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Friday, December 01, 2006

enough power

So I started out with six laps, two extra for being late. Then went through most of our forms. Then me and Bruce did our the two remaining forms together.

Then we got in a circle, and did the bo staff forms with different people. If it wasn't powerful enough we had to run laps. So we did bo staff forms with different people.

Then we got out the sai's and I ran through one group with them, and Bruce gave more of the next sai form to Clayton and Jim Embrossi. I went through it once with them. Then had them line up in two lines with each line facing each direction.

Next class we ran a bunch of laps, then each person did fifteen second cardio. Then each group was two came up with a drill. So our group went first and we had the people play hop scotch two the punching bag, while blocking with blockers. Then next group had this thing where you would go over two mats, then one person would do a grab, and another person would do another grab. Then the next group did this thing where you did kicks, or punches or blocks on different heights, and angles. Then one group did this thing where one person would do a roll, then a jumping front ball kick, then a block and punch, hammer, and then knee. Then the two would switch. Then we did some forms, and strikes and that was the end of that.


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