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Sunday, February 26, 2006

leadership team meeting

Before class saturday I went to a leadership team meeting. One thing that was covered was that by heaping praise on someone who is doing well, other people are going to want so they are going to try to perform to that level. It was an interesting idea for me.

Saturday, we did alot of strikes. We worked on bags. Then near the end of class the instructor had us come up with a new combination, using some of the strikes we hadn't used yet. Well, it's not officially but it's okay. Then the class demonstrated part of what they learned during the class. Then we demonstrated the combination on other people.

Then we did the Chinese Wall form. There are different version of it based upon how much space you want to cover. I got tripped up because there was a bag in my way. But it was interesting to go over.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Well, class was interesting. Before class I did the usual work on attendance. I had the some of the students do some forms. Something I've been wanting to do is demonstrate why it's important to have have a good stance. So that was nice. Worked with some green belts on kempos.

Then I worked with Jim on a bo staff form. It's really interesting so. Been going over in it in my mind.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

no sparring for me :(

Well I missed sparring, didn't have socks washed :9 Anyway we went over second form again, picked up some more of it. In both empty hands and weapons class we listened to a tape. It was an inspirational tape, kind of like poetry. In empty hand class we did a ring of fire. We did the usual laps too.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


We did the usual stuff. I worked with the green belts on statue of the crane tonight. There doing it alot better at it. Then I had my group work on combinations.

Then we had the greens and green-browns work on some kempos. We went through so hopefully that will help people when they are going for a stripe. Then it was time for a game

For a game we had the kids go into four groups and do sprints. First time they had to do a gluttal walk a little ways the put the ball down. The second time it was just a sprint.

Monday, February 13, 2006


We did five laps, then did some kicking drills. It was hard to keep my balance on the kicking drills. But I tried my best.

Then we did some stretches. Then we went over forms. We did a few forms then selected a strike, and did the form with that strike.

Lastly, the blackbelts were the group leaders and they helped us on some of the material. Then after class, I worked on combinations, and kempos with someone. On the combinations we tried taking each other down. So that was a pretty good work out.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Playing to the audience

I went to the empty hand class. We did the laps, kicking drills, punching drills, etc. then I worked with the green-brown belts. One of the people was up for a belt stripe, and what he needed was ten combination and a form. So I worked other combinations and forms in to see if that might help him remember the material. We worked on the forms alot. One part he was having trouble was the "tiger" walk. So we practiced doing it up and back. Another thing we did is "yoking" the form, so that the other person participated in the form. I was hoping it would help him see what he needed too do. Then each group showed off what they worked on.

Then I worked with one person with the weapons class. We started out doing some of the forms. I have trouble doing the revised forms. Then I had him striking some bags, without knocking the cones over. Then we did some escrima stuff. We practiced doing it in circles. Then I had him do it on the ropes. He hadn't done it on the ropes so that was knew for him.

One thing I was told I need to work on is to play to the audience. One problem is sarcasm is hard because in class I don't have time to make it really obvious.

Friday, February 10, 2006


I made sparring friday. There were about five people. I beat some people and some people beat me. One person got me with his backfists. If I could get to the side faster maybe it would be easier to counter.

Weapons class, we went through the changes too the first form again, and then we went over the changes too the next form. I think it's definately harder, with the changes, but that's fine. Jim said that this is the gold standard. Some of the changes make more sense. I think it changes things quite a bit, but Jim refers to these as small changes.

Empty hand class. We did ten laps because someone didn't have there eyes on the mirror. But I need it to get ready for my blackbelt test. Then the front did a cardio and the back row did a stretch. Then we went through some sideclubs and overheads, then did rings of fire. Next we did a thing where everbody laid down on there backs, and people would jump over them. Thing is they would jump over them then do a kempo, sideclub, or overhead.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I saw the last samurai

Saw the last samurai. I know, it's been out for awhile, but well... Anyway, about the movie. I thought it was interesting. A couple of thoughts, how many people could devote themselves that much to training today? Most of us probably couldn't. Another thought, about people saying learn a trade. Yeah, I know it's probably pretty historically inaccurate.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

another instructor

We did the thought of the week, the push-up, sit-ups, jumping jacks, and the running. Then we split off. I worked with the green belts. Someone who was filling for the person I usually work with, took the green-brown belts to the racket ball room.

First I worked on strikes, then combinations, then sideclubs, then overheads. I called out two strikes for them too do. Then called out combinations for them too do. Then we did this thing where people would run up, and they would do a sideclub self-defense technique.


Monday, we did the laps, then I had to go to the bathroom, so I missed part of the warm-up. Thing is I kind of need that to get prepared for the test. Oh, well.

Then after that me and the other first degree had ten minutes each to do anything we wanted. The other first degree wanted to do sideclubs. So we did that. I did an exercise where if I ki, they punch and if I say go, they don't. If they do punch on go, then they have to do pushups. Why did I want them to do that? Improve there listening skills, reflexes,. Reality if you have to defend yourself is a split second decision. We had some time left so we did an exercise where they jumped over the bags, and hit the wavemaster.

Then I helped three people with a poking club. They had it, but they didn't "have" it. You if you know what I mean. Then we worked on some grapplying stuff.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

same form, different way

friday night,
Didn't spar, but I helped judge sparring. Gave suggestions where I could.

Weapons class, went over the changes in the form. Some of the them are interesting. With a disarms, in the form. Some of the form reminds me of waving hands in clouds.

Empty Hand class- Everyone was upfront and they took people through exercises. Then we got into rings of fire.

Saturday, went to class and we did alot of stretching. Then we did some kicking stuff.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

tiger rolls

So we did the exercises, and the thought of the week. Then we split up into groups. We had them do some forms. Well, I worked on with the green belts on statue of the crane. One person did really well for there first night getting it. Some spots for them to work on later. Then we did some tiger rolls with the class, and I supervised one of the groups.

monday night

Class was okay we did alot of stretching, then worked on one person blocking and one person throughing a block. After class we worked on some more grapplying and had a discussion on various techniques to use. We also worked on tai chi push hands. One point Jim came over and made was, if you can move your hits farther than your opponent you have an advantage over him. Then I worked on some bo staff forms, with someone. I could always use the practice with them.