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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Yoking and presenting the bo staff forms.

So I found out I and another person were leading the weapons class. So we did some laps. Then did some warmups. Then some stretch. A unique stretch I saw was took one's foot on the bo staff and lift one's leg up.

Then I got one person to watch the class doing some bo staff forms. First we had them do ko bo, then two other forms. They kind of changed how they were doing the form.

Then we had class break off and yoke the groups last bo staff form. Then we had each group demonstrate the form. Then me and Bruce did a form by switching where we were. Then I switched up the bo staff's for foam noodles, and other stuff. Then had them do there bo staff form with them.

Then Brad had us do our first bo staff form. Then we seperated into teams and the first team that got done one. Then we did another bo staff form.

Then in empty hand class we did a our bunch of laps. Then some stretch's. Josh lead the class and he had us do some partner stretches.

Then we worked on our overhead and sideclub defenses. One point Josh made is that, most of our overhead defenses one is closing there opponent off. With ten combination and twin tiger's however, one is opening one up and we worked on a hook foot technique or a using the knee.

We also worked on the deflect and go under the arm. One thing I learned is you can loop your arm through and that you'll only need one arm. Another thing, is one can do 26 combination with that one. Also confiscate the arm so too speak.

Then we also worked on the strike and figure 4 armbar. One thing I learned is that one should reshape the body BEFORE one tries taking the other person down. I think this the reason I have been having trouble with it.



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