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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Traditionalists or sport martial arts?

I recently read an article in Black Belt Magazine, brought up the decline of Traditionalists in Martial Arts. That there are fewer and fewer traditionalists in Martial Arts. More and more people who practice martial arts as a sport are in business.

Well, for one thing, society likes winners. People who can put champion before his name have celebrity status. Also, I was talking with someone about eventually starting a school. He pointed out that if someone was in the Olympics, and versus a guy who was a black belt, who would you go with?

But on the flip side. To teach good technique does have to be as hard on students as a traditional teacher? One thing is that some training techniques such as using hot sand can be detrimental to one's health.

I'm more of a middle line appoach. My thought is why can't we make things fun. How can most people gain from there training? Most people wouldn't be able to handle the "Traditional" way of doing things. Then when they have to defend themselves, they will be ready.



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