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Thursday, February 01, 2007

dodge and hit

So we got the kids lined up for class. After sitting and mediating for a bit, had them run some laps and call some stuff. Then we did some stretches. Then we did the thought of the week.

Then we broke off and worked together. I worked with two white belts. One was just starting and the other had a little experience. I demonstrated a few of the techniques in the air. Then got out a little wavemaster and having working those techniques while I worked with the other white belt. Then I got out a ukemi ball and had them kick and strike the ball a few times. Then I got out a shield and worked with them on the shield with those strikes. The last thing I did, captain punch, where if I said go, and then punched then they had to do pushups.

Then we played a game of jump the dragon, for a game. I did the rope the first time then another person did the rope. We haven't done it in a long time so it was something different.

Then with the blue - green/brown belt class. They got line up a little slow, so we had them line back up again. Then we had them bow to the flag, and to the front, and bow to each other and sit and mediate. Then we had them do some laps. Then we did some stretches.

I worked with the green belts on knife techniques. Then worked with them on 3 pinion. Then I got out a kicking target and pads and worked some different strikes and kicks with cardio paddles. Then did some thing where they had to avoid getting hit by snowballs, and hit targets as much as possible. Then for a last thing, doing combinations taking someone down on the folded up mat.

Then we played jump the dragon as a game again.



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