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Friday, February 23, 2007

sparring with weapons

So I led the weapons class. I replaced some the bo staffs with other things, like a shovel, a foam noodle, a closet rod, and then switched the bo staffs after doing the form. Then we did one form under some mats stacked on top of some wavemasters. But it was with an escrima stick.

The next thing we did is spar with foam noodles, then switch, two too foam bats, then a foam bat and rubber knife, and then just a rubber knife. The thing is we didn't know when the person would switch call out switch.

Then we did empty hand class. The class ran around will i set up something. Then the class would go through and do kempos. Then combinations. Next we did some cardio kickboxing combinations. For the last part me made a beginning of a form.



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