Web My Journey

Friday, April 30, 2010

effects of abusive behavior

Personally, I feel that the way I was treated at Villari's was abusive was at the very least abusive.  I really feel this at the very least agitated my mental illness.  If it hadn't been for Villari's perhaps I could have gotten into the military.

I know that after world war two alot of G.I.'s training overseas.  They werent' treated too well when they trained over there.  However, I feel that it doesn't have to be things don't have to be this way.

You know a score of 80 will get one into the service academies.  I had a 128 on the asvab.  However, they wanted me to lose weight.  So I joined Villari's in Reedsburg.

Personally, I feel that the community would be better off without Villari's.  Teaching people how to defend themselves is one thing.  But training people to fight to do mortal combat is another thing.

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Additional Income Center for the Jade Dragon Martial Arts Academy

One thing is I have less of a problem with Jim Embrossi then I do with Jim Schulenburg.  Why?  For one thing, now who told Jim Embrossi that I stole a kids bo staff?  Now he thought I stole it.

Perhaps one of the reasons, Jim Embrossi was picking on me was that Jim Schulenburg didn't tell him about the stuff I did for the school.  For instance all the help with special events or the stuff I did when they expanded the school.  Another thing is Jim Schulenburg still owned the school while Jim Embrossi was running it.  

This is not too say I agree with everything Jim Embrossi's does.  For example, when someone is being nice to his kids and teaching them things, he shouldn't be paranoid as to think everyone has alterier motives.  I was really being nice helping his son so as to gain favor with him.

Personally, I think Jim Embrossi should teach ToShinDo at his school.  This would distance himself from Villari's.  This would also give him another revenue stream.  Also he could have them help do black belt tests, go to there seminars, etc.

Another thing is he could give a person a free lesson.  Then based on that lesson he could determine which class they would best fit into.  Karate is about standing one's ground.  That's something some people need to learn.  Others may need to be more elusive.  

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A word for Rayden

Don't know the guy personally, seems like an alright fellow.  But he would do well to remember, he can win all his battles and lose the war.  Likewise he can lose all his battles and still win.

What do I mean by this?  The earth has such biological diversity in it.  One of the reasons he's stayed while others left is because of that diversity.  If we are not careful we could lose that diversity.  Then the earth would become a dead planet.  If we lose this diversity then what?  How many of us could fit on spaceships?  How many could survive the prolonged absences of gravity?

For instance, I volunteered at a local charity helping to take down an old electric fence.  Now a reaction I get is "Oh, that must be fun."  Well, there's an important aspect to it.  Take for instance how many times I've gone there this year.  If they had to pay someone to do that work I've been doing it would ad up to more then a few hundred dollars.  That's the same as giving a check to the local charity.

Now I would like to think by me helping out at the charity it is helping to keep the earth from becoming a dead planet.  I've also helped raise funds for the charity.  Though I donated to a different charity this year.  I'd like think that a continued effort would help to keep the earth from becoming a dead planet.  Though that is something that we all could benifit from.

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

This video has a family of Orangutans.  They use tools, use boats, into DIY.  I thought this was interesting.


Psychically Violent People

I think Jim Schulenburg is psychially violent. After I quit Villari's he showed up at my work, and at my college saying a bunch of lies about me. Now I was content to let things go.

A rumor spread around is the equivalant of a minor curse. It's not true what they say that "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Words can indeed hurt, and hurt HARD!

So I ask you is this a good person? If a person doesn't pay him money to go spread lies at their work and college? Would a good person really do that? I think not!

If Jim Schulenburg hadn't gone to my school, I would have let things go. But now how can I? After he has damaged my brand? After he has effected my good name?

He is an enabler, no he is the root of the problem. I used to think he didn't know. Then I thought he couldnt' do anything about it. But now, I know he is the root of the problem. He is just as responsible as the people under him for the acts they have committed if not more so because he trained them. By all rights he and his cohorts should be in Jail right now awaiting trial.


stop the Crunches!


I remember doing alot of crunches in Gym class, and martial arts. It actually turns out this is not a good exercise for the midsection. However, push-ups are! However, there are different exercises that are. One needs to move naturally like they would in real life.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Extortion by martial arts teachers of their students

In the shaolin temple, a student would study under his teacher for many years. He would indeed serve him. However, there would come a time in which he would "Leave the Nest" so to speak.

A period of free work is indeed necessary to help one gain confidence in their skills. However after that period, once one has acquired meaningful skills one should be paid for the use of those skills and paid well! Teaching martial arts is a skill in and of itself. One must send out disciples into the world.

However, I do not feel one should be expected to continuousily serve their martial arts teacher. A student should respect his martial arts teacher, but the student expected to work for free at their school teachers school. I feel that is extortion.

All a person should need to teach is liability insurance, registering their name with the local county court house, five hundred dollars of fliers, ads in the local paper, and flyiers. I feel that investing alot of money into a school leads to "Inefficient use of capital." If one invests alot of money if a school then they must get a sufficient return on that money.


Let's help preserve Shaolin


The USA Shaolin Temple is now seeking to raise funds for a new temple. Let's help preserve Shaolin for future generations. If you don't have alot of time to help raise funds please give a donation. If you enjoy reading my blog please donate to the Temple.

Why would someone raised in a Christian home help buddhist monks with raising money for their temple? Personally, I believe that it is not enough to just preach god's love. One must also live it.

It is not enough for a person to say "God loves you," to a person who is hungary. We must show God's love. So the best way to show God's love to the Shaolin Monks is to help them.

Some believe in the seperation of Church and Martial Arts. Well, that's kind of hard since Shaolin is Buddhist in orgin. Throught the history of martial arts there has been Buddhist, Confuscists, Taoists, etc.


Ideas for the Warrior Sage

Here are some ideas for the Warrior Sage:
  • It may be a good to put the requirements or starting one's own school on their homestudy program, so that one knows for certain what the requirements are. That way, people will be under no illusions when they buy the program.
  • Perhaps he could put on his seminars at his studio. He might need to expand his studio. I'm not usually not much into overhead, however, his studio could function as the national headquarters.
  • He may wish to utilize wiki's with print-on-demand technology. For example, he or his students could write a book and put it on a wiki. Then when it's proofread export the file to a website. Then people would get the up to date materials. Perhaps utilizing's technology.
  • He also may wish to expand into website hosting. For example, websites for his systems schools, blogs, etc.
  • He could also have an affliate program to sell his merchandise.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Don't blame the economy stupid

Some people might blame the economy for the recent turn of events. I am not one of those people. Do good people say "Oh, well the economy isn't good right now," No! They go work harder at making more money.

I think this applies specifically to martial arts studios. If a person isn't making what they want they should reexamine there marking efforts. Perhaps they need to put out some more marketing. Perhaps they need to do some more marketing promotions. When things get tough, the tough get going!

One shouldn't rely on other people to do things that they must do for themselves. This is true with the running of a martials studio as well. IF a student CHOOSES to help, that's great book it and go on. But don't EXPECT it.

Personally, I think Master Schulenburg needs to make Michael Massie one of his consultants. He needs to buy his materials and study up on this stuff. He shouldnt' rely on his FORMER students to do his work for him.


American youth to fat to defend US


I saw this online, and thought "This could be really cool marketing campaign for martial arts." For example, perhaps even running a military prep program for people who want to get into the military. For example, getting people who want to join to do the prerequesite run, situps, pushups, and pullups.

Perhaps martial arts studios could even run a Junior prep program. This way it would help get kids in shape to join the military. I know something like this would have helped me when I was that age.


Jim Schulenburg's gone soft!

I feel Jim Schulenburg's gone soft. Why? How could I think such a thing? It's very easy really.

A black belt is something that should be coveted. It should be a badge of honor. It should be a symbol of one devotion as well as commitment. Personally, I think a black belt should take ATLEAST ten years to get.

A black belt ought to be like the Marine's rifle. The marine's take pride in the fact that it's takes three men to take a rifle from a small marine. The blackbelt ought to be the martial artists rifle.

Personally, I think they should spend three years just teaching one pinion. With a good foundation with that other forms would be better. If you don't have one pinion down what's the point in teaching more advanced forms? Now I think other techniques should be taught as well, such as club, knife, etc. For example, higher belts could "roleplay" attackers for the lower belts. Thus learning while they are helping each other.

INADDITION, they ought to incorporate more ground defenses into the curriculum. Now I'm not saying teach Brazilian Jujutsu. But legally it's better to fold with someone then strike.

INADDITION, I feel that the candiates for black belt test ought to LEAD a service project before they even get to belt test. Then there would be none of this, "of well we passed the test so we're blackbelts now, " manure. It is not setting a good example, for the rest of the school if you don't finish yours.

INADDITION, the members of the leadership team ought to be selected by the people who are helping people. It ought to be a prerequest to be on the leadership team that you are setting a good example. If you can't work with another person one on one, how are you going to work with a larger group of ten or more?

Secondly, a second degree ought to signify a lifetime commitment to the martial arts. It should be hard won. This is where Jim Schulenburg has gone soft. Perhaps he shouldn't let certain individuals go for their second degree. If he had done so perhaps he would be in a better position now.


Being productive

Personally, I don't feel that Jim Schulenburg has been productive. He needs to prioritize his time. For example, his FIRST priority ought to be school owners, and people trying to setup schools.

Why? In the shaolin monastary there were three types of people. Masters, disciples, and students. I feel that teachers, would best fit into the disciple category. Then the teachers could work with mostly with the students.

He could then spend his time doing what Masters ought to be doing. Focusing on promoting the martial arts. For example, he could write articles to get publicity for his businesses. He could then submit these to websites, and then get a link back to his school.

Another thing is perhaps there would be more Villari schools if it weren't for his ineptitude. For example, Elite a similiar franchise has four schools. Villari's has three. Now correct me if I'm wrong but there is a numbers advantage here? For expansion of the systems territory ought to be one of Jim Schulenburg's top priorities.

For example, they used to have forty people come from Mauston. Now they have thirty. Now there is three martial arts schools in that town. Perhaps if Jim Schulenburg had been prioritizing his time there would be a Villari's instead of an Elite in Mauston.

I'm not saying a Villari's could never be in Mauston. But it would be alot more difficult now. It might take a Master to open one there.

For example, he could help Johannah Brook start a Villari's Dance school. It could focus on Inan Escrima, perhaps expand to Capa wara, then to other dances. Then he would get an additional share of revenue from it.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Living in the past

You know I really feel Master Schulenburg is living in the past. For example, he wrote a program for his wife. What's wrong with this? Why reinvent the wheel when you don't have to?
There are other programs out there for martial arts. Couldn't he find one that fit his needs? Instead of spending the time programming it himself?

Or let's say he couldn't find a program to fit his needs, couldn't find an opensource program then alter it to fit his needs and submit the code? Then others would be able to use the program and he could used it to drive traffic to his business. But no instead he has selfishly decided to keep it for himself.

Or perhaps he could find someone else to make the program instead and given them a royalty for their work. Then he wouldn't have to spend the time programming himself. Also he would help get other people work.

Does a master craftsman spend all his time doing all the work himself? Or does he have tell others what to do? Shouldn't a master craftsman use the right tools for the right job? Shouldn't he be guiding the apprentices and journeyman in their work?


Sunday, April 18, 2010

The defination of a Cult


I looked up the defination of a cult, and I thought I would share it. This is how I view the Villari organziation. At first you are given alot of encouragement.

However, there is a new martial arts studio in town. Green Dragon Martial Arts Academy, located down town Reedsburg. Led by Jim Embrossi, a 3rd degree black belt in the art of Shaolin Kempo Karate, and all around great guy. So what if he went after me with a sword? He thought I stole from a kid.

But seriousily, I would highly recommend checking out Green Dragon. I think alot of my problems with Jim Embrossi have just been misunderstandings. He's really a great guy.

If fact if I knew his website I would put it on my blog. But alias I don't know where it is. I even looked it up in a search engine.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Observe nature

Any martial artist would do well to study nature. They would well to make a study of the animal kingdom. They would for instance Eagles.

Notice how the Eagle positions itself downstream of the fish. Notice how its suddenly swoops and snatches it's prey. Is the sixe of the brain center any bigger between an eagle and a rabbit for instance? Also are there other birds that it also consumes such as osprey, and other birds?

What about the Lion? Perahps in america, there are not african lions but there are mountain lions. Notice how they approach the hunt.

Also one should observe turtles. Turtles? Why turtles? Well, grasshopper, turtles can live a long long time. So perhaps it would be wise to study them.

Also, one should study Bulls. Why Bulls? The bull is a traditional style of style. They stand they're ground.

They're are other animals as well. For example, the swallow may be a good animal for people who are not as big as others. While the wolverine may be a another good animale to study.


Sunday, April 04, 2010

My goal

One thing is I want to finish my Okinawin Kobudo Blackbelt before going to studying other martial arts. This may require me starting over as a white belt. However, I want to finish what I started. Also I want to study Inan Escrima.

After that I haven't decided what I will take. I'm thinking Brazilian Ju-jutsu. It would definately improve my chin na, as I find someone with a background in grapplying such as wrestling or Brazilian Ju-jutsu can pick it up easier.

Of course, too I am interested in Yoga. It would improve my internal energy. Also it may help with my flexibility. There also would be kumdo which I have some interest in.

Added a widget


It's been a long time since I have updated this blog. I think I see cobwebs in the html, lol. Anyway, I wanted to let my adoring public know I'm still out there.

I've added a widget. Also I'm considering taking the adbrite banner down as I don't really feel it contributes much to the site overall. I have given it enough time.

I am thinking about making some martial arts video's. Then posted them on youtube. Then I will post links to them here.

For example, I bought a homestudy system. I really like how it's what I have seen watching the first three tapes. However, I couldn't watch more then that since my dvd player wouldn't work. I am hoping that I can eventually.

I will need to find a "Training Partner" a.k.a. a throw monkey to demonstrate the techniques on. However finding one may be difficult. Since I don't know many in the area. I dont' want to just toss someone around who doesn't know how to fall.

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