Saturday, January 28, 2006
Watched bo staff from black and blue productions. Found it very intersting, on how to make the bo staff interesting.
Friday night
Well, did sparring, weapons, and empty hand classes friday. Wasn't feeling too well. But I went anyway.
Sparring didn't win alot, got pounded by Brook, and that's okay. Won twice, but hey it's all for fun.
Weapons class was interesting doing 4 count with a bo staff. Which was interesting.
Empty hand class we got into rings of fire and the brown and black belts did take downs.
Sparring didn't win alot, got pounded by Brook, and that's okay. Won twice, but hey it's all for fun.
Weapons class was interesting doing 4 count with a bo staff. Which was interesting.
Empty hand class we got into rings of fire and the brown and black belts did take downs.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
reviewing 4 pinion
I didn't feel so good to day, but I went anyway. How am I going to be ready for a test if I don't. I probably won't feel good during the test anyway.
We worked on 4 combination alot today. Working on making it realistic. Then we worked on forms. 4 pinion was among the forms we worked on.
We worked on 4 combination alot today. Working on making it realistic. Then we worked on forms. 4 pinion was among the forms we worked on.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
pushing 4 pinion
We worked on handstrikes tonight with the blockers. If we did it more maybe they would be used too it. The other person who was working with the class, said they thought if we had a bunch of targets we could take too the wall and instead of having them hold on to.
I worked on the green-brown belts on 4 pinion. Some are new green-brown belts, some are not so new. But the not so green brown belts got all of 4 pinion. There are some things that are going to need to be clarified.
For the game we played Dragon Laps. You have some people with foam bats, on their knees. Then people run through without getting tapped.
I worked on the green-brown belts on 4 pinion. Some are new green-brown belts, some are not so new. But the not so green brown belts got all of 4 pinion. There are some things that are going to need to be clarified.
For the game we played Dragon Laps. You have some people with foam bats, on their knees. Then people run through without getting tapped.
Monday, January 23, 2006
tonight's class
Before class I worked with two people tonight. One is starting to frustrate me.
Tonight, the instructor talked about tai chi. About how we practice a form of tai chi. Then we went through combinations. Where did the energy come from? I also worked with one of the brown belts.
Then also worked with grappling with Travis. Basically, his advantage is he's got six years of wrestling. There is no magic bullet, too learning grapplying though.
Tonight, the instructor talked about tai chi. About how we practice a form of tai chi. Then we went through combinations. Where did the energy come from? I also worked with one of the brown belts.
Then also worked with grappling with Travis. Basically, his advantage is he's got six years of wrestling. There is no magic bullet, too learning grapplying though.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
class today was interesting
We did alot of kicking. One thing we did is we took wave master tops, and two people were on either side of them. We practiced not kicking the other person. I worked with the two blue belts, and a green belt. I worked on making the combinations better. Jim said, You have two minutes to give each person a new technique. So, I did so. It was kind of interesting, I will admit.
Phone book
Taped a phone book too a tree with ducktape. Then hit on it for a little while. Got the idea from something I saw in china. I can hit it a little harder this way too. Also used gloves so my hands would get cut up. When i was done, I cupped some snow in my hands.
Friday, January 20, 2006
I did the weapons class, sparring, and empty hand class. Weapons class started a new form. Sparring, not alot of people there tonight, but I won some and lost some. Interesting thing is we rotated people we were sparring. Class tonight, each person had five minutes too work the class. What I did is turn off all the lights, and let people randomily attack people. What I didn't do well on, is where we had too run and climb a wall. Something too work on.
I kind of lost my cool tonight, when I was grapplying someone. Lesson for me is not to grapple again with him. When your working with someone if you get them in a spot where damage gets done. But I wasn't trying to beat him so much as too, to figure out to grapple.
He apologized which I guess, was good of him. More than I did. Maybe I should have apologized to him. We just rub each other the wrong way. I know he's good, not question about it. He was also the guy I learned the most teaching tonight. Maybe I should have told him that. What I learned, from grapplying him, was to watch out for waist throws. Also, that I need to work on when someone is ontop of me. Definately some things to work on.
I won't be grapplying with him again, unless I have too. He has his thing. I have mine. As far as I'm concerned the matter is over. Unless someone mentions it.
I kind of lost my cool tonight, when I was grapplying someone. Lesson for me is not to grapple again with him. When your working with someone if you get them in a spot where damage gets done. But I wasn't trying to beat him so much as too, to figure out to grapple.
He apologized which I guess, was good of him. More than I did. Maybe I should have apologized to him. We just rub each other the wrong way. I know he's good, not question about it. He was also the guy I learned the most teaching tonight. Maybe I should have told him that. What I learned, from grapplying him, was to watch out for waist throws. Also, that I need to work on when someone is ontop of me. Definately some things to work on.
I won't be grapplying with him again, unless I have too. He has his thing. I have mine. As far as I'm concerned the matter is over. Unless someone mentions it.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
todays class
Anyway, went too class today, unknown to us we were help testing the orange belt for his next belt Purple. So now we can take him down. The idea was we each had too go the material in a new way. Some of my favorites were put a mat and the people could attack either way. Another one was too get out the risors, and practice on them.
last night
How did last night go? Okay, one of the kids was having knee problems, so I had her step over too the side and do some warm-ups. One interesting thing, I did is have them put thumbs on there gi. For the game, we did a pop-corn game, where we have a pen, with mats, and the kids lay down on there backs and try and kick all the beach balls out of the pen. I think it's a good exercise for the kids.
Monday, January 16, 2006
tai chi sword form
Got to class early tonight, warmed up, went through some tai chi stuff. Practiced my tai chi sword form with Bruce.
Class one thing is someone took a knee too the head, so I didnt' get to grapple with him in the ring of fire. We did alot of stretches tonight and alot of laps. It was good for me. But there was someone else to grapple with.
I waited till my instructor was done with his other class. I helped out a little with helping someone with Plum Tree, and a kempo. Then watched as Jim helped someone with one of the bo staff forms. Jim said my form looked ten times better. Although, I got too slow down more and go ankle first some spots.
Class one thing is someone took a knee too the head, so I didnt' get to grapple with him in the ring of fire. We did alot of stretches tonight and alot of laps. It was good for me. But there was someone else to grapple with.
I waited till my instructor was done with his other class. I helped out a little with helping someone with Plum Tree, and a kempo. Then watched as Jim helped someone with one of the bo staff forms. Jim said my form looked ten times better. Although, I got too slow down more and go ankle first some spots.
Friday, January 13, 2006
friday classes
I want to get back into going to a weapons class sparring etc. With sparring, I do alright. I think the main thing is too participate, whether or not I win.
In weapons, I went over a form with the yellow belts. There is alot of yellow belts. It's not a bad thing, really. Just something to work on. Then we worked on some sinawali counts. Nine count is interesting, what I learned tonight.
In weapons, I went over a form with the yellow belts. There is alot of yellow belts. It's not a bad thing, really. Just something to work on. Then we worked on some sinawali counts. Nine count is interesting, what I learned tonight.
Going to karate class
Well, I still dont' feel 100 percent but I went to class. Figured if they didn't want me there I would understand. Also figured need to get some classes in once a week.
We worked on combinations alot. Funny how long i've been working on them, and they still need some work. Also worked on takedowns.
We worked on combinations alot. Funny how long i've been working on them, and they still need some work. Also worked on takedowns.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
casey marks
I watched her video on bo staff and it is quite interesting. Even though she has a different style of using the bo staff, she still uses the 1/3's principle, and then slides her hands down.
Well, no one showed up for the class today. But I got some time to work on the nunchucka with one of the weapons blackbelts. One thing with the nunchucka's is with the angle, it is also spinning, so keeping the hand position while doing the angle is important.
In class we did alot of stretching. Then after word I was in a mini-test. One thing is we put up all the wavemasters, and practiced hitting them with our staffs. Then we also did one-fourth of a form and rotated. Also we did some escrima stuff.
In class we did alot of stretching. Then after word I was in a mini-test. One thing is we put up all the wavemasters, and practiced hitting them with our staffs. Then we also did one-fourth of a form and rotated. Also we did some escrima stuff.
friday night
I did sparring and escrima kubato class. Someone said the sparring sounded like a boxing match. Well... worse things to do. We went through the bo staff forms. I helped some of the lower belts with there forms.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
kids classes
Instead of running laps tonight, we did exercise. Where there was a series of questions, and when they remembered the right answers it was one pushup. If it was wrong then did three pushups.
I checked stripes, and worked with the kids. Then worked on four pinion a bit with them. Trying to get them more of the form. Still have another form to work with them on before they test for there next rank.
I checked stripes, and worked with the kids. Then worked on four pinion a bit with them. Trying to get them more of the form. Still have another form to work with them on before they test for there next rank.