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Friday, November 24, 2006

noodle obstacle course

Well, we got the kids lined up and running around. Then doing some situps, pushups and jumping jacks. Jim did the thought of the week, while me and Baily setup and obstacle course. First there were some stair masters to run over, a folding mat on some steps to go under then a cone with a snowball on it to kick. The we had the kids do it in pairs while hodling onto a noodle. If they let go of the noodle then they didn't lost. We had the kids switch partners. We also threw frisbees at the kids. One reason for doing the obstacle course is some of the kids have difficulty working together. So having the kids do it together is a way of getting them to work together.

Then Jim had them do some other stuff, hand strikes while we modified the course. This time we moved so it was one course and took out the cones, and put in some feet, and a ball they would have to dodge. They went through it individually first, then in pairs.

For a game we played freeze tag but with a twist. In that if the person with the noodle got hit they would have to hand over the noodle. It was a little advanced for the the kids at there age level.

For the next class, we had them line up, sit down and mediate. Then had them go back and forth from the mirrors to the wavemasters. Then I had them run laps passing a yellow bat as they did laps. We had them do different type of laps in this way.

Then we had the thought of the week. Then we had them do a gauntlet with overhead club techniques. I emphasised running away part.

For a game we played frisbees tag. I lined the next class up and warmed them up.


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