running around the building
Well, we started off having the kids working on the eight point blocking system. Then we moved to doing half mooning forwards and backwards. One thing I told them to help them remember it is that the evens are on one side and the odds on another.
Then the kids did some drills, and the thought of the week while I setup the obstacle course. Basically, jump over a stairmaster, do do a frontroll, or slapout. Then do some three punches on the little dragon wavemaster, then run through some training knives, then had the kids run through some dots, and then do a three blocks against a blocker. We ran them through several times, then we put the stuff away.
Then we broke up into groups. I took the two orange belts. We reviewed different strikes in the stances. I tried to get them to be faster then the other person. Then we reviewed kempo punch techniques, and did some combinations. For the last thing we worked on slapouts.
Then we played freezetag. I got out the a noodle instead of a foam bat since I figured it would be interesting to try. I also rolled out some wavemasters for the kids to run through.
For the blue through green/brown belt, we had them run around the building twice. The kids like going outside, so I figured it would be a good chance. Then we had them come back in.
Then we setup an obstacle course. We had dots they had to touch, a wavemaster they had to strike, then they had to do a log roll over the some stacked mats, and do a front roll on a mat on the floor, then do some blocks. Then hit some wavemasters, then jumpover some cones when people where people would throw snowballs over them, hit bob, and climb up some mats, go through some bricks with poles in them, then do a side club. Then after we ran everybody through, Jim pulled out a stop watch and started timing people. We did that for the whole class. Which I think is good once and awhile.
Then the kids did some drills, and the thought of the week while I setup the obstacle course. Basically, jump over a stairmaster, do do a frontroll, or slapout. Then do some three punches on the little dragon wavemaster, then run through some training knives, then had the kids run through some dots, and then do a three blocks against a blocker. We ran them through several times, then we put the stuff away.
Then we broke up into groups. I took the two orange belts. We reviewed different strikes in the stances. I tried to get them to be faster then the other person. Then we reviewed kempo punch techniques, and did some combinations. For the last thing we worked on slapouts.
Then we played freezetag. I got out the a noodle instead of a foam bat since I figured it would be interesting to try. I also rolled out some wavemasters for the kids to run through.
For the blue through green/brown belt, we had them run around the building twice. The kids like going outside, so I figured it would be a good chance. Then we had them come back in.
Then we setup an obstacle course. We had dots they had to touch, a wavemaster they had to strike, then they had to do a log roll over the some stacked mats, and do a front roll on a mat on the floor, then do some blocks. Then hit some wavemasters, then jumpover some cones when people where people would throw snowballs over them, hit bob, and climb up some mats, go through some bricks with poles in them, then do a side club. Then after we ran everybody through, Jim pulled out a stop watch and started timing people. We did that for the whole class. Which I think is good once and awhile.
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