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Friday, April 13, 2007

more hansuki

So did weapons class, was a little late since I bought rank series tapes. So we did our highest forms, then we went through up too all the forms the blue belts had. Then they grabbed their sai's and I worked with Clayton. I put two wavemasters out and have him do a bo staff from under it. Then did the form with him, and emphasized getting lower in his horse stance. Then everyone else but me, Bruce and Brad, grabbed their escrima sticks. Me and Bruce grabbed out tonfa's and Brad worked with us on Matayoshi no Tonfa Ichi and Matayoshi no Tonfa Knee. It's alot simplier then I thought it is.

Then went too open-hand class. Started with a bunch of stretches, then did a bunch of laps. Did a series of punches and kicks. We did follow directions so we did 110 pushups broken up into sections in the class. After we were through the first overhead, first kempo, sideclub, and a few combinations in great detail. Then after class I Jim Schulenburg was there so I worked on Hansuki with Brad and Bruce.



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