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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

hall of doom

So I started the class had them mediate. Then we I had them doing some various laps. Next came some shuffling, while I set up some wavemasters. Then we had the kids hitting the kid wavemasters with different punches and this variable target thingy doing crescent and instep kicks.

Then we setup an obstacle course. Do a few punches on the wave master, then jump over some mats do a few kicks, run through some wavemasters, throw a dice and to see how many punches one had to do. I think the kids missed a few things but oh well. Then we added overheads and sideclub defenses too the mix too.

Then the three people helping with the class, I gave them each a different group. Each group worked on different things. I was around to help them as needed. One group put down mats and worked on slap outs. Another group did wrist graps. Another group did something else.

Then we played freeze tag. We let everyone have a chance at the bat. Then I let the assistants go at it. Then I added a thing to the mix, that if the assistants got hit with a fuzzy ball they would get "frozen" till they were unfrozen to make it more even.

Then we recited something the Villari Motto along with the five rules of the school. Then I dismissed them. I'm not really sure how I did, but I did my best.

We took the other class too the other side to get them to mediate. Then had them run around in laps in half of the studio. One thing is they were to run through some mats. But some change is good. I sat by a weight set and poked at people coming by.

One thing after they were done. I explained why you don't grab at someone swinging at you. Jim said that was a good point.

There was the though of the week, so I used that to setup the next thing we were doing. The Hall of Doom. I think it went well once the kids understood what was to be done. Basically setup four wavemasters. Then have some ukemi balls. The students rolled them back and forth. Then the few students would run through the wavemasters trying not to get touched. If they got touched then they were to go back to the line. Then rotated the students so each person got a chance at it. I've been looking for an exercise like this. This way you dont' have to setup it and can keep the students doing something. It develops split second timing.

Then I had them put the balls away and the kids do forms in a square. Then I strung up some resistance cords, around the wavemaster tops and had the kids do there combinations under them. I put some wavemaster tops in there too.

We played frisbee tag. Basically like dodgeball but with frisbees. I don't know I think we need a new game to play. Because it's been the same game over for the past weeks.

One thing I was thinking, is a obstacle course would be more fun if we had more adults to help setup and run it.


Blogger uchi deshi said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog. Do you do Aikido as well? I have added your blog to my links.

10:14 AM  

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