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Saturday, July 22, 2006

front roll

So we lined the kids up, had them mediate, then had them run some laps. I got a blocker and made them run around me. Then we did some bear crawls. Then we had the thought of the week. Next we did some stretching, and I did the lower body and another person did the upper body.

Then we broke off into groups. I worked with another peron with the purple belts. First I went through the material they had. Then I made some corrections. The other person worked with the 2 other purple belts while I worked with one on a front roll. I think we helped that blue belt on the front roll.

Then most of the class did jump the dragon. One person wanted to play snowballs. So what we did is one of the leadership team people was there opponent. Then I had them stay back to back and had them take five paces forward. Then turn and fire. I think this could be incorporated to a larger group activity.

With the blue through green brown belts we warmed them up, and had them do jumping jacks, push ups and situps. I worked with the blue belts and a few blue green belts. There was five people and they needed five kempos and five overheads, and five sideclubs so we did that. Well, it was interesting, I tried teaching them the 6 combination lockflow, but they weren't ready for it I don't think. Oh well, live and learn.

For the game, we played kick the bag. I helped to line up the bags.


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