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Friday, July 07, 2006

freeze tag

So I helped out with the white through purple class. We had a new helper, one of the people I've been working with in the blue through green-brown class. She was a little nervous. So I talked with her about she would be doing before class.

Then we got them lined up, stretched up, and warmed up. Then I checked stripes. Then we played a game to see how fast they could go as a team. Then the next thing for a variation of dodge ball, but used some small bags.

The next class, we get them lined up, warmed up, and stretched out. Then we did alot of forms especially one kata. Then I worked with the blue and blue/green belts. I did a bunch of different stuff. I worked alot on strikes.

Then did the gauntlet exercise. However, I broke it down so I said rotate, and go. We did side clubs, overheads, and kempo punch techniques with the yellow bats. Thing is those yellow bats have alot of protection.

For the game we played freeze tag. Everyone got a turn with the bats. Then it was the instructors turn. Once all the students were tagged class was dismissed.


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