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Friday, August 25, 2006

hitting small bags

We got the kids lined up and we had four white belts. It's nice to see new students in the class. We must be doing something right.

Anyway we got them lined up and runnng around. Then we did the though of the day. Then I think we did some stretches. We broke into groups, I checked stripes on a couple people. Then I worked with the yellow belts, I think on one pinion. Then i worked with the orange and purple belts, on 1 and 2 pinion.

Then I worked with them on an exercise. What I did is got some small bags out, and split them into two groups of 2 each. Them I had them hit the four bags with a particular strike. I also incorporated stances and kickes, which the kids seemed to like.

Then for a game we played kick the bag. One of the kids changed the side then kicked the other person out. I told her that was good, but your not supposed to go over the line. It's going to be interesting teaching her.

Then we had the blue through green belts. I ran with them through most of the laps. Then they started chasing me which is kind of the reverse from what usually happens.

Anyway, I worked with the green and green brown belts. First we went down the line and had them demonstrate a technique, then the entire group did that technique, and then they did that technique on each other. We repeated it for sideclubs, and over head techniques. The kids wanted to do takedowns so I had them put a plastic dot in there belts. Then after they are done grab the plastic dot and throw it too the ground. They were like, how is that a take down. So I demonstrated the technique on another instructor that is a takedown. The thing is, until they can do something; block, dodge, whatever, when someone punches in I don't really see the point in having them do takedowns. One thing is it's hard to teach takedowns, to keep them focused.

Then for the game we played kick the bag again. It gave me and another instructor a chance to talk.


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