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Friday, August 04, 2006

Continuos Obstacle course

Me and one of the helpers we early so we set up an obstacle course. We set it up so that they wouldn't they go near the weight equipment. The kids did laps as part of the warmup then we had them do it after that. So setup some wavemasters so they punch the wavemasters then shuffle, and keep doing that, then have to army crawl under some stuff, then I attacked them with a club, then they had to go through a bags they had to avoid while someone was throwing snowballs. After we were done with it the other class used it. Then we worked on some overheads and sideclubs. Then we broke off and did some individual work. I worked with two people on the yellow belt material. Then we played freeze tag.

For the next class after the thought of the week, and regular exercises, we ran them through the obstacle course. We spiced it up a bit. This time I put a matt on top of some things so they had to duck under then go over some mats, and I used a yellow mat, then we had two people throwing snowballs. We also make it longer. Then after that we broke off. We worked forms for a few minutes, then I worked with the green-brown belts, on kempos. I had them work on each other, and after they got done doing a kempo grab a plastic dot from the other person's belt and pull it. My thought is if they can get used to doing something after the kempo, that it will make it alot easier for them to learn to take someone down. Then we played snowballs after that for the last event.

One idea another person Erin though of was to do have an obstacle course in a figure eight. One problem is them colliding with each other. If we were to have them crawl underneath the course then they wouldn't bump into each other.


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