Web My Journey

Friday, August 18, 2006


The wavemasters were out so we used them as a sort of mini obstacle course. We had some mats for the kids to jump over, then run through the wavemasters, and then back. Then we had them working on kicks. Then we went over stuff to work on. One thing I thought the kids had fun with was for me to shuffle around and have the kids try and follow along with me. Then we played hot "wavemaster". Where we took one wavemaster away each turn.

Then for the blue and green brown belts. I worked with a green belt and her friend. I had them work on front position, right foot out and and elbows, horse stance, front two knuckle punch, back two knuckle punch, and thrust punch. It kind of channeled me figuring out ways to keep them busy while working on that stuff. We played jump the dragon. I think it's good to figure out some variations too it, so we change things up.


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