The wall part 6: The second coat

So the kids did some laps. They did figure eights on the squares. They were not to touch the blue while this was going on. But us instructors got out noodles and stuff that they were to avoid. I got out a rope and put a wavemaster atop one end and wiggled it.
Then we broke off into groups. I worked with the green-brown belts. I had them do kempo's and the person who hesistated first had to do pushups. Do know if they understood me or not. Anyway then we went into doing kempo's with takedowns.
We then played a game of snowballs. The kids played for a few games then it was them versus the instructors. Well, I caught of few of the firsbee's.
So next class came in, so had them do some things back and forth such as run back to the wall and run back or do some shuffling since we don't have as much space now. So after that then we broke into groups. I worked with three yellow belts. I went through the first stripe material, I thought it was a good review for everyone. One thing is I really broke down 3 combination. I was thinking it would be cool if we did that with more of the cominations.
Anyway, then we played a game of frisbeees. One thing I was thinking is if the kids weren't honest about getting hit, we could just throw the frisbees at them instead. Then the kids were to put away the frisbees.
Then it was time for the green- black belt class. So we lined up and started doing laps, then started doing figure 8's. Then we did every other person did a 15 second cardio and everyone else did a 30 second stretch. Then we went into combinations.
The blackbelts then broke off, and started working on hansuki. After working on that I worked on 6 kata for awhile. Then we lined back up and that was the end of class.
Labels: monday nights
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