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Friday, June 09, 2006

Choto Cyan

I went early to the study to practice with my bo staff, and escrima sticks. One idea I've thought of for an exercise is to have a mat stacked on the floor with two wave masters. They are paddling along, when they are attacked which the wavemasters represent.

We started with escrima sticks and ran three laps around hitting them together over our heads. Next we did escrima counts. We got to six count and the blue belts couldn't remember it. So I helped them out. They got it after I showed it too them a few times but one was having problems. So I had the other two work with each other, while I worked with one who was having trouble.

Next we got out sai's and ran through that. I had trouble with the sai form. Which surprised me since I hadn't had any problems before class with it. Then the blue belts got there staff's out and ran over bo staff forms with the orange belts.

I did my tonfa form, and brad showed me a few things to work on. One is more extension, another is I forgot a few things. After that I worked on Choto Cyan. That may not be the right spelling for the form though.


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