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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tai chi sword form

Before class I practiced my tai chi sword form. I think I need to work on the movements. It will be awhile before I want to work with Jim on it, till I know it is good.

I helped two people in class today. One had a question on 3 pinion, and another on some dragon kempos.

Anyway, class today, one of the blackbelts lead us out. Another one did some strikes, another one did some stretching, then I did a combination of the three. I had the jog in place while I called out some strikes.

Then we went down the line, and worked on what the person asked. A yellow belt on 3 combination. So we got in line and did 3 combination with one person doing three combination and then the rest of the people in a line. Then when the person who was "defending" himself, had did 3 combination on everyone in the line we switched it to the next person, and th next person till we were done.

Then we worked on 3 pinion. So we all did the form. Then we blackbelts broke off into another, group and worked on 22 and 23 combination.

I was asked to work with the brown belts on 3 pinion. I had them do it, then I asked them to lay on their back. The point was that, too not lock into doing something the same way, all the time. In a real life situation, your going to have think on your feet and that was what I wanted to make them do. Well, anyway, then I had the person put a wavemaster top between his legs, and put down some dots. The dots really made him think.

Then I told to go work with the other blackbelts. Well, they were working on a higher combination, so I worked 22 and 23 combination on bags. Then we lined back up and did some strikes.


Blogger TaiJiXin said...

In 1957, the Chinese Sports Committee developed a simplified version of Tai Chi Sword based primarily on the Yang style. This simplified form is a series of 32 sword forms that can be performed in about three or five minutes. It was designed as an easily learned series of movements that could be used by anyone to improve their health.

The teaching and learning DVDs of Tai Chi Hand and Sword forms are available upon request:

Cheng Zhao, Ph.D

My 24 simplified tai chi form book is just listed in under the auther name: Cheng Zhao

7:48 PM  

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