back to three classes a day
Went too sparring, this time we spare with wavemasters with there tops off. Which was interesting, then we sparred in tandom. I didn't do so hot, but everytime I go I learn a little something.
Brad is taking over the weapons class now. He had us run around with escrima sticks. Weapons class we went through the form, then we would do it too the back wall. I worked on my upper forms for a little bit. Then worked with another person, on lower bo staff form. Then worked sai's with him. Hoped it helped.
In the empty hand class, we did laps in the figure eights. Then we did a bunch of kicks and strikes. Then we got out the blockers, and practiced blocking throwing kicks out. Then later we split up into sections and the upper belts worked with the lower belts. Then there was an obstacle course thing. You would have to get over the wall, do a roll, do a combination, then jump over a wavemaster, kicks and punches on a blocker.
Brad is taking over the weapons class now. He had us run around with escrima sticks. Weapons class we went through the form, then we would do it too the back wall. I worked on my upper forms for a little bit. Then worked with another person, on lower bo staff form. Then worked sai's with him. Hoped it helped.
In the empty hand class, we did laps in the figure eights. Then we did a bunch of kicks and strikes. Then we got out the blockers, and practiced blocking throwing kicks out. Then later we split up into sections and the upper belts worked with the lower belts. Then there was an obstacle course thing. You would have to get over the wall, do a roll, do a combination, then jump over a wavemaster, kicks and punches on a blocker.
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