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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

human knot

Okay, so we did the weapons class so we started out with a few laps with bo staffs above our heads. Then we did some more because someone's wasn't above there head. Well atleast it makes one stronger. Then we did some laps. Then did more half-mooning. We worked on me and Bruce's upper bo staff forms. Then I worked with Jim E. and Clayton on starting them on a new form.

With empth hand class, we started running out. Then we did some combinations. Then we did a human knot. Basically where people hold other peoples hands and try to untie themselves. We had some trouble with it. Then we did a thing where we made a bunch of hiding places. Then a Jim E. turned out the lights, and two people's goal was to go the other side of the Dojo, and back without getting hit. The other people's goal was to attack them as many times as possible. Then we did a ring of fire to finish off the class.



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