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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Rank System

I've been thinking alot of the rank in the system. Even in a monastary, you have student, disciple, and master. Of course two there is the guy running the monastary too. I mean even if you don't have belts you still must break the curriculum down for beginners, intermediate, and advanced practioners.

Yet then you have the karate systems with so many belts. Each belt you have too go through a belt test. Of course there are other systems, that give belts out after a few minutes of review.

Then of course you have systems where you must compete for your belt. Other systems one must teach. Other systems, it's just how much money one puts down.

Is it important to give back to the school? Yes, I feel it is. Yet there is also alot of work that doesn't involve teaching. So should it be a requirement to teach? I dont' know. I personally find teaching helps me reinforce what I already know.

Also, what about people who are incharge of territories? For example, should someone who has two people who run schools under him, be the same as the guy who has four?

Another question is the optimal size of the school. If you want to have a mega school, let's say a thousand students, or is forty student school better? Personally, from what i've seen over a hundred students it can be hard to keep track of people.

So, I don't. Just some thoughts of mine.


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