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Saturday, May 06, 2006

teaching my first empty hand class

Well I concentrated on doing four things. One pinion, doing various types of one on one training, a discussion on sideclubs, and doing a game. I was tired from getting back late.

The first thing we did for a warmup was too, go through one pinion alot of different ways. I think I made a list of them. But I didnt' get to all of them because of time, and some of them might have been too difficult for the class being a mixed belt class.

The the next thing I had them do was pair off. Then the front row got different type of training gear, some were using cardio paddles, some were using foam bats, some were using focus mits, etc. But the thing was to do a different type of thing. As soon as I heard talking, I had them rotate.

Then we had a discussion about the applications of our club techniques. One thing is why practice the techniques when someone might be not attacking us with a club? I hope the people in the class left with another reason to practice there techniques.

Then we played dodgeball but I put a twist on it. When someone was hit they had to do all there kempos. So for a white belt, that's not alot, but for a brown belt.... well it can take awhile.

I was still alittle tired from the night before. I had to get up to wash my gi. I think I will be sore for awhile.


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