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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dental Health

So my previous instructor told me that alot of qiqong masters before they train you expect you to brush your teeth. I have also heard Doctor Waters, that is the one thing he wished he would have listened to his parents about. Basically if you keep the mouth opening clean hopefully the rest of the body will be.

I have been hoping drinking less soda, eating more fruits and vegatables could replace my regular brushing. Since alot of processed foods have added sugar. Also I heard eating raw brocoli will help.

However, after going to the dentist the assistant asked me if I had gingavitis. So now I'm back on brushing, here is my plan:

  1. Brushing- Using an organic toothpaste and a motorized brush. A little stonger than my old one, but well that's not a bad thing.
  2. Flossing- using dental picks, I've heard using un sanitized picks can kill you
  3. Mouth rise- This I got from my mouther, again organic.
So there is my new dental regime.



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